
Showing posts from June, 2018

Major Imports and Exports of Pakistan 2018

Today Pakistan meets most of the requirements the foreign investors are looking for. Despite the political issues foreign investors are attracted to invest in Pakistan. And we hope Pakistan’s economy will get better in the future. Security concerns of the investors are improving gradually.  Import and export  play a big role in the country’s economy. It is made easy by the  import and export service providers  nowadays. Let’s take our mind off from negativity and discuss good things happening in Pakistan.’  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ‘ CEPC a $46 billion investment program is targeted to develop the energy sector and other infrastructure projects. CEPC creates many opportunities for both countries. The CEPC project also attracts foreign investors in Pakistan. CEPC will benefit a lot in the import and export of Pakistan. Many foreign companies are investing in Pakistan. A few days back Nissan Motor CO Ltd announced to start producing its Datsun brand  In Pakistan. Pakistan is grow